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Loading and Initialization#

Passing Options#

There are many more options and callbacks available. Here are some of the frequently used ones:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {
  const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
    element: document.getElementById("demo-tree"),
    id: "demo",
    types: {},
    columns: [{ id: "*", title: "Product", width: "250px" }],
    source: "get/root/nodes",
    // Event handlers:
    init: (e) => {
      // e.tree.setFocus();
      e.tree.findFirst("Foo")?.setActive(true, {
        colIdx: "*",
        edit: true,
        focusTree: true,
    receive: function (e) {},
    load: function (e) {},
    lazyLoad: function (e) {
      return { url: 'get/child/nodes', params: { parentKey: e.node.key } };
    activate: function (e) {},
    render: function (e) {},

Common options include:

Selector or HTML Element of the target div tag.
The identifier of this tree. Used to reference the instance, especially when multiple trees are present (e.g. `tree = mar10.Wunderbaum.getTree("demo")`).
Define the initial tree data. Typically a URL of an endpoint that serves a JSON formatted structure, but also a callback, Promise, or static data is allowed.
Define shared attributes for multiple nodes of the same `node.type`. This allows for more compact data models. Type definitions can be passed as tree option, or be part of a `source` response.
A list of maps that define column headers. If this option is set, Wunderbaum becomes a treegrid control instead of a plain tree. Column definitions can be passed as tree option, or be part of a `source` response.


See WunderbaumOptions for a complete list of options.

Dynamic Options#

Some node options can be defined in a flexible way, using a dynamic pattern.

Consider for example the checkbox option, which may be true, false, or "radio". If omitted, it will default to false. Globally enabling checkboxes for all nodes can be configured like so:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  checkbox: true,

This global setting may be overridden per node by the concrete source data, if a property of the same name is present:

  { title: "Node 1" },
  { title: "Node 2", checkbox: false },
  { title: "Node 3", checkbox: "radio" },

If the global setting is a callback, it will be called for every node, thus allowing to dynamically define option values:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  checkbox: (e) => {
    // Hide checkboxes for folders
    return e.node.type === "folder" ? false : true;
  tooltip: (e) => {
    // Create dynamic tooltips
    return `${e.node.title} (${e.node.key})`;
  icon: (e) => {
    // Create custom icons
    if( ) {
      return "foo-icon-class";
    // Exit without returning a value: continue with default processing.

Currently the following options are evaluated as dynamic options: checkbox, icon, iconTooltip, tooltip, unselectable.

See method node.getOption() for details.

Event Handlers#

Event handlers can be used to control tree behavior and react on status changes. Common event handlers include: init(e), lazyLoad(e), receive(e), render(e), and more.


Event Handlers are described in detail in the Events chapter.

Data Source#


See examples of JSON data and learn more in the next section, Data Formats

Typically we load the tree nodes in a separate Ajax request like so:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  source: "path/to/request",

The example above issues a simple GET request. For more controle, we can use the extended syntax:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  source: {
    url: "path/to/request",
    params: {},  // key/value pairs converted to URL parameters
    body: {},    // key/value pairs converted to JSON body (defaults to method POST)
    options: {}, // passed to `fetch(url, OPTIONS)`

The endpoint must return a node structure in JSON format.

Note that

  • The structure may be nested, e.g. a child node may in turn contain a children list.
  • Some reserved attributes names are part of the node data model:
    checkbox, classes, expanded, icon, iconTooltip, key, lazy, radiogroup, refKey, selected, statusNodeType, title, tooltip, type, unselectable.
    They can be accessed as node.title, for example,

  • All other properties are stored under the data namespace and are accessed like, for example.

  • Only title is mandatory
  • Node titles are escaped in order to prevent XSS. For example if JSON source contains "title": "<script>...", it will be converted to &lt;script&gt;..., which is rendered by the browser as <script>..., but not interpreted as HTML element.

Handling External Data Formats#


See also Example with source that queries the Fake Store API.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  source: { url: "" },
  lazyLoad: (e) => {
    return { url: `${e.node.refKey}` }
  receive: (e) => {
    return => {
      return {