Interface WunderbaumOptions

Available options for wunderbaum.Wunderbaum.

Options are passed to the constructor as plain object:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
id: "demo",
element: document.getElementById("demo-tree"),
source: "url/of/data/request",

Event handlers are also passed as callbacks

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
init: (e) => {
console.log(`Tree ${e.tree} was initialized and loaded.`)
activate: (e) => {
console.log(`Node ${e.node} was activated.`)
interface WunderbaumOptions {
    activate?: ((e) => void);
    adjustHeight?: boolean;
    autoCollapse?: boolean;
    beforeActivate?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    beforeExpand?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    beforeSelect?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    buttonClick?: ((e) => void);
    change?: ((e) => void);
    checkbox?: DynamicCheckboxOption;
    click?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    columns?: ColumnDefinitionList;
    columnsFilterable?: boolean;
    columnsMenu?: boolean;
    columnsResizable?: boolean;
    columnsSortable?: boolean;
    connectTopBreadcrumb?: HTMLElement;
    dblclick?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    deactivate?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    debugLevel?: number;
    discard?: ((e) => void);
    dnd?: DndOptionsType;
    edit?: EditOptionsType;
    element: string | HTMLDivElement;
    emptyChildListExpandable?: boolean;
    enabled?: boolean;
    error?: ((e) => void);
    expand?: ((e) => void);
    filter?: FilterOptionsType;
    fixedCol?: boolean;
    focus?: ((e) => void);
    header?: null | string | boolean;
    icon?: DynamicIconOption;
    iconBadge?: ((e) => WbIconBadgeEventResultType);
    iconMap?: string | {
        [key: string]: string;
    iconTooltip?: DynamicBoolOrStringOption;
    id?: string;
    init?: ((e) => void);
    keydown?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType);
    lazyLoad?: ((e) => void);
    load?: ((e) => void);
    minExpandLevel?: number;
    modifyChild?: ((e) => void);
    navigationModeOption?: NavModeEnum;
    quicksearch?: boolean;
    receive?: ((e) => void);
    render?: ((e) => void);
    renderStatusNode?: ((e) => void);
    rowHeightPx?: number;
    scrollIntoViewOnExpandClick?: boolean;
    select?: ((e) => void);
    selectMode?: SelectModeType;
    showSpinner?: boolean;
    skeleton?: boolean;
    source?: string | WbNodeData[];
    strings?: any;
    tooltip?: DynamicBoolOrStringOption;
    types?: NodeTypeDefinitionMap;
    unselectable?: DynamicBoolOption;
    update?: ((e) => void);


activate?: ((e) => void)

e.node was activated.

Type declaration

beforeActivate?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

e.node is about to be activated. Return false to prevent default handling, i.e. activating the node. See also deactivate event.

beforeExpand?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

e.node is about to be expanded/collapsed. Return false to prevent default handling, i.e. expanding/collapsing the node.

beforeSelect?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

Return false to prevent default handling, i.e. (de)selecting the node.

buttonClick?: ((e) => void)

Return false to prevent default handling, i.e. (de)selecting the node.

Type declaration

change?: ((e) => void)

Type declaration

Return false to prevent default behavior, e.g. expand/collapse, (de)selection, or activation.

dblclick?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

Return false to prevent default behavior, e.g. expand/collapse.

deactivate?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

e.node was deactivated.

Return false to prevent default handling, e.g. deactivating the node and activating the next. See also activate event.

discard?: ((e) => void)

e.node was discarded from the viewport and its HTML markup removed.

Type declaration

error?: ((e) => void)

An error occurred, e.g. during initialization or lazy loading.

Type declaration

expand?: ((e) => void)

e.node was expanded (e.flag === true) or collapsed (e.flag === false)

Type declaration

focus?: ((e) => void)

The tree received or lost focus. Check e.flag for status.

Type declaration

iconBadge?: ((e) => WbIconBadgeEventResultType)

e.node is about to be rendered. We can add a badge to the icon cell here.

init?: ((e) => void)

Fires when the tree markup was created and the initial source data was loaded. Typical use cases would be activating a node, setting focus, enabling other controls on the page, etc.
Also sent if an error occured during initialization (check e.error for status).

Type declaration

keydown?: ((e) => WbCancelableEventResultType)

Fires when a key was pressed while the tree has focus. e.node is set if a node is currently active. Return false to prevent default navigation.

lazyLoad?: ((e) => void)

Fires when a node that was marked 'lazy', is expanded for the first time. Typically we return an endpoint URL or the Promise of a fetch request that provides a (potentially nested) list of child nodes.

Type declaration

load?: ((e) => void)

Fires when data was loaded (initial request, reload, or lazy loading), after the data is applied and rendered.

Type declaration

modifyChild?: ((e) => void)

Type declaration

receive?: ((e) => void)

Fires when data was fetched (initial request, reload, or lazy loading), but before the data is applied and rendered. Here we can modify and adjust the received data, for example to convert an external response to native Wunderbaum syntax.

Type declaration

render?: ((e) => void)

Fires when a node is about to be displayed. The default HTML markup is already created, but not yet added to the DOM. Now we can tweak the markup, create HTML elements in this node's column cells, etc. See also Custom Rendering for details.

Type declaration

renderStatusNode?: ((e) => void)

Same as render(e), but for the status nodes, i.e. e.node.statusNodeType.

Type declaration

select?: ((e) => void)

e.node was selected (e.flag === true) or deselected (e.flag === false)

Type declaration

update?: ((e) => void)

Fires when the viewport content was updated, after scroling, expanding etc.

Type declaration


adjustHeight?: boolean

If true, the tree will automatically adjust its height to fit the parent container. This is useful when the tree is embedded in a container with a fixed or calculated sized. If the parent container is unsized (e.g. grows with its content, height: auto), then we can define a height: ... or max_height: ... style on the parent. To avoid a recursive resize-loop, it may be helpful to set overflow: hidden on the parent container.

Set this option to false will disable auto-resizing.

@default: true

autoCollapse?: boolean

Collapse siblings when a node is expanded. Default: false

If true, render a checkbox before the node tile to allow selection with the mouse. Pass "radio" to render a radio button instead. Default: false.

A list of maps that define column headers. If this option is set, Wunderbaum becomes a treegrid control instead of a plain tree. Column definitions can be passed as tree option, or be part of a source response. Default: [] meaning this is a plain tree.

columnsFilterable?: boolean

Default value for ColumnDefinition.filterable option. Default: false



columnsMenu?: boolean

Default value for option. Default: false



columnsResizable?: boolean

Default value for ColumnDefinition.resizable option. Default: false



columnsSortable?: boolean

Default value for ColumnDefinition.sortable option. Default: false



connectTopBreadcrumb?: HTMLElement

HTMLElement that receives the top nodes breadcrumb. Default: undefined

debugLevel?: number

0:quiet, 1:errors, 2:warnings, 3:info, 4:verbose Default: 3 (4 in local debug environment)

element: string | HTMLDivElement

The target div element (or selector) that shall become a Wunderbaum.

emptyChildListExpandable?: boolean

If true, allow to expand parent nodes, even if node.children conatains an empty array ([]). This is the the behavior of macOS Finder, for example. Default: false

enabled?: boolean

Default: true

fixedCol?: boolean

Default: false

header?: null | string | boolean

Show/hide header (default: null) null: assume false for plain tree and true for grids. string: use text as header (only for plain trees) true: display a header (use tree's id as text for plain trees) false: do not display a header

Optional callback to render icons per node.

iconMap?: string | {
    [key: string]: string;

Icon font definition. May be a string (e.g. "fontawesome6" or "bootstrap") or a map of iconName: iconClass pairs. Note: the icon font must be loaded separately. Default: "bootstrap"

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: string

Optional callback to render a tooltip for the icon.

id?: string

The identifier of this tree. Used to reference the instance, especially when multiple trees are present (e.g. tree = mar10.Wunderbaum.getTree("demo")).

Default: "wb_" + COUNTER.

minExpandLevel?: number

Number of levels that are forced to be expanded, and have no expander icon. E.g. 1 would keep all toplevel nodes expanded. Default: 0

navigationModeOption?: NavModeEnum

Default: NavModeEnum.startRow

quicksearch?: boolean

Default: true

rowHeightPx?: number

Height of a node row div. Default: 22

scrollIntoViewOnExpandClick?: boolean

Scroll Node into view on Expand Click


selectMode?: SelectModeType

Default: "multi"

showSpinner?: boolean
skeleton?: boolean

If true, add a wb-skeleton class to all nodes, that will result in a 'glow' effect. Typically used with initial dummy nodes, while loading the real data. Default: false.

source?: string | WbNodeData[]

Define the initial tree data. Typically a URL of an endpoint that serves a JSON formatted structure, but also a callback, Promise, or static data is allowed.

Default: {}.

strings?: any

Translation map for some system messages.

Optional callback to render a tooltip for the node title. Pass true to use the node's title property as tooltip.

Define shared attributes for multiple nodes of the same type. This allows for more compact data models. Type definitions can be passed as tree option, or be part of a source response.

Default: {}.

unselectable?: DynamicBoolOption

Optional callback to make a node unselectable.