Interface WbEditApplyEventType

interface WbEditApplyEventType {
    event?: Event;
    info: WbEventInfo;
    inputElem: HTMLInputElement;
    inputValid: boolean;
    newValue: string;
    node: WunderbaumNode;
    oldValue: string;
    tree: Wunderbaum;
    type: string;
    typeInfo: NodeTypeDefinition;
    util: any;

Hierarchy (view full)


event?: Event

Originating HTML event if any (e.g. click).

Additional information derived from the original change event.

inputElem: HTMLInputElement

The input element of the node title that fired the change event.

inputValid: boolean

Result of inputElem.checkValidity().

newValue: string

The new node title.

The affected target node.

oldValue: string

The previous node title.

The affected tree instance.

type: string

Name of the event.

Contains the node's type information, i.e. tree.types[node.type] if defined. Set to {} otherwise.

util: any

Exposed utility module methods (see API docs).