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Data Formats#

Some examples of how the data should be formatted in JSON.

Nested List Format#

All node are transferred as a list of top-level nodes, with optional nested lists of child nodes.

    title: "Books",
    expanded: true,
    children: [
        title: "Art of War",
        author: "Sun Tzu",
        title: "The Hobbit",
        author: "J.R.R. Tolkien",
    title: "Music",
    children: [
        title: "Nevermind",
        author: "Nirvana",

Object Format#

This is the most commonly used format. Here we pass an object that contains one children element, but also additional information.

  "types": {...},
  "columns": [...],
  "_keyMap": {...},
  "children": [
      "title": "Books",
      "expanded": true,
      "children": [
          "title": "Art of War",
          "author": "Sun Tzu"

Type Information#

A tree often contains multiple nodes that share attributes. We can extract type information to a separate block, in order to make the data model more concise:

  "types": {
    "folder": { "icon": "bi bi-folder", "classes": "bold-style" },
    "book": { "icon": "bi bi-book" },
    "music": { "icon": "bi bi-disk" }
  "children": [
      "title": "Books",
      "type": "folder",
      "expanded": true,
      "children": [
          "title": "Art of War",
          "type": "book",
          "author": "Sun Tzu"
      "title": "Music",
      "type": "folder",
      "children": [
          "title": "Nevermind",
          "type": "music",
          "author": "Nirvana"

Type definitions can also be passed directly to the tree constructor:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  id: "demo",
  element: document.getElementById("demo-tree"),
  source: "get/root/nodes",
  types: {
    folder: { icon: "bi bi-folder", classes: "bold-style" },
    book: { icon: "bi bi-book" },
    music: { icon: "bi bi-disk" }

Compact Formats#

Load time of data is an important aspect of the user experience.
We can reduce the size of the JSON data by eliminating redundancy:

  • Remove whitespace from the JSON (the listings in this chapter are formatted for readability).
  • Don't pass default values, e.g. expanded: false is not required.
  • Use node.type declarations, to extract shared properties (see above).
  "_format": "nested",
  "types": {"person": {...}, ...},
  "children": [
    {"title": "Node 1", "key": "id123", "type": "folder", "expanded": true, "children": [
      {"title": "Node 1.1", "key": "id234", "type": "person"},
      {"title": "Node 1.2", "key": "id345", "type": "person", "age": 32}

The example above can still be optimized:

  • Pass 1 instead of true and 0 instead of false (or don't pass it at all if it is the default).
  • Use _keyMap and shorten the key names, e.g. send {"t": "foo"} instead of {"title": "foo"} (see below).
  • Use a _valueMap to define a global list of potential string values for a distinct property type. Nodes can then pass a numeric index instead of the string, which will save space.


The syntax of _keyMap and _valueMap has changed with v0.7.0.

  "_format": "nested",  // Optional
  "types": {"person": {...}, ...},
  "columns": [...],
  // Map from short key to final key (if a key is not found here it will
  // be used literally):
  "_keyMap": {"title": "t", "key": "k", "type": "y", "children": "c", "expanded": "e"},
  // Optional: if a 'type' entry has a numeric value, use it as index into this
  // list (string values are still used literally):
  "_valueMap": {
    "type": ["folder", "person"]
  "children": [
    {"t": "Node 1", "k": "id123", "y": 0, "e": 1, "c": [
      {"t": "Node 1.1", "k": "id234", "y": 1},
      {"t": "Node 1.2", "k": "id345", "y": 1, "age": 32}

Flat, Parent-Referencing List#

The flat format is even a few percent smaller than the nested format. It may also be more apropropriate for sending patches for existing trees, since parent keys can be passed.

Here all nodes are passed as a flat list, without nesting.
A node entry has the following structure:


PARENT_ID is either a string that references an existing node.key or the numeric 0-based index of a node that appeared before in the list.

POSITIONAL_ARGS define property values in the order defined by _positional.

KEY_VALUE_ARGS define other properties as key/value pairs (optional).

  "_format": "flat",
  "types": {...},       // Optional, but likely if `_valueMap` is used
  "columns": [...],     // Optional
  // Map from short key to final key (if a key is not found here it will
  // be used literally):
  "_keyMap": {"expanded": "e"},
  // Values for these keys are appended as list items.
  // Other items - if any - are collected into one dict that is also appended:
  "_positional": ["title", "key", "type"],
  // Optional: if a 'type' entry has a numeric value, use it as index into this
  // list (string values are still used literally):
  "_valueMap": {
    "type": ["folder", "person"]
  // List index is 0-based, parent index null means 'top-node'.
  // If parent index is a string, parent is searched by `node.key` (slower)
  "children": [
    [null, "Node 1", "id123", 0, {"e": true}],  // index=0
    [0, "Node 1.1", "id234", 1],                // index=1
    [0, "Node 1.2", "id345", 1, {"age": 32}]    // index=2