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Wunderbaum supports hierarchical selection, and radio-groups.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  // --- Common Options ---
  selectMode: "multi",  // 'single', 'multi', 'hier'
  checkbox: true, // boolean, "radio", or a callback
  // --- Common Events ---
  beforeSelect: function (e) {
    // return false to prevent selection
  select: function (e) {
    console.log(`Selected ${e.node}: ${e.flag}`);
    console.log("Selected nodes:", e.tree.getSelectedNodes());


See also the Selection Example.

  { title: "Node 1", selected: true },
  { title: "Node 2", checkbox: true },
  { title: "Node 3", unselectable: true, radiogroup: true
    children: [
      { title: "Option 1", selected: true },
      { title: "Option 2" },
  • node.fixSelection3AfterClick()
  • node.fixSelection3FromEndNodes()
  • node.getSelectedNodes()
  • node.isSelected()
  • node.setSelected(flag, options)
  • node.toggleSelected()
  • tree.getSelectedNodes()
  • tree.selectAll(flag)
  • tree.toggleSelect()

Code Hacks#

Display the number of selected subnodes in the badge of collapsed parent:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  iconBadge: (e) => {
    const node = e.node;
    if (node.expanded || !node.children) {
    const count = node.children && node.getSelectedNodes()?.length;
    return {
      badge: count,
      badgeTooltip: `${count} selected`,
      badgeClass: "selection-count",
div.wunderbaum span.wb-badge.selection-count {
  color: white;
  background-color: green;