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Custom Rendering#

This chapter describes different ways to customize the appearance of the tree.


See also the Grid Tutorial for rendering of grid cell content and Edit Tutorial for rendering embedded input controls in grid cells.

Custom Style Sheets#

It is possible to customize the appearance of the tree by adding specific CSS rules.

For example, to change the background color of the active grid cell:

div.wunderbaum.wb-grid.wb-cell-mode div.wb-row.wb-active span.wb-col.wb-active {
  /* Highlighted cell in cell-nav mode */


See the Styling Tutorial for details.

Custom Icons#

This example uses Font Awesome Icons instead of the default Bootstrap Icons icon font:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  element: document.getElementById("demo-tree"),
  source: "get/root/nodes",
  iconMap: "fontawesome6",  // <-- use Font Awesome Icons

iconMap can also be a custom map of icon names, for example:

const tree = new mar10.Wunderbaum({
  iconMap: {
    error: "bi bi-exclamation-triangle",
    loading: "bi bi-chevron-right wb-busy",
    noData: "bi bi-question-circle",
    expanderExpanded: "bi bi-chevron-down",
    expanderCollapsed: "bi bi-chevron-right",
    expanderLazy: "bi bi-chevron-right wb-helper-lazy-expander",
    checkChecked: "bi bi-check-square",
    checkUnchecked: "bi bi-square",
    checkUnknown: "bi bi-dash-square-dotted",
    radioChecked: "bi bi-circle-fill",
    radioUnchecked: "bi bi-circle",
    radioUnknown: "bi bi-record-circle",
    folder: "bi bi-folder2",
    folderOpen: "bi bi-folder2-open",
    folderLazy: "bi bi-folder-symlink",
    doc: "bi bi-file-earmark",
    colSortable: "bi bi-arrow-down-up",
    colSortAsc: "bi bi-arrow-down",
    colSortDesc: "bi bi-arrow-up",
    colFilter: "bi bi-filter",
    colFilterActive: "bi bi-filter-square-fill",
    colMenu: "bi bi-three-dots-vertical",

Custom Markup#

Using the render Event#

The render(e) event is called for each node that needs to be rendered, i.e. that is materialized in the viewport. It is called after the node's row markup has been created, for example:

<div class="wb-row" style="top: 22px;">
  <span class="wb-node wb-col wb-active" style="left: 0px; width: 1368px;">
    <i class="wb-indent"></i>
    <i class="wb-expander wb-indent"></i>
    <i class="wb-icon bi bi-file-earmark"></i>
    <span class="wb-title" style="width: 1301px;">Node 1.1</span>

For treegrids with multiple columns, the row markup looks like this:

<div class="wb-row wb-active wb-focus" style="top: 66px;">
    class="wb-node wb-col wb-active"
    style="left: 0px; width: 250px;"
    <i class="wb-checkbox bi bi-square"></i>
    <i class="wb-indent"></i>
    <i class="wb-expander wb-indent"></i>
    <i class="wb-icon bi bi-file-earmark"></i>
    <span class="wb-title" style="width: 163px;">The Little Prince</span>
  <span class="wb-col" style="left: 250px; width: 234.75px;">
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  <span class="wb-col" style="left: 484.75px; width: 50px;">1943</span>
  <span class="wb-col" style="left: 534.75px; width: 50px;">2946</span>
  <span class="wb-col" style="left: 584.75px; width: 80px;">6.82</span>
  <span class="wb-col" style="left: 664.75px; width: 703.25px;"></span>

The e.nodeElem property contains the HTML span element that represents the node title, and prefix icons: <span class="wb-node wb-col"> ... </span>


See WbRenderEventType for an overview of all event properties.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  render: function (e) {
    const node = e.node;
    const nodeElement = e.nodeElement; // HTMLSpanElement

    console.log(e.type, e.isNew, e);
    nodeElement.innerText = `${node.title}!`;


The render event is especially useful to render the content of grid cells in treegrids. See also the Grid Tutorial and the Edit Tutorial for rendering of embedded input controls in grids.


Badges are small icons that can be displayed near the node title.
Example: Display the number of selected subnodes in the badge of collapsed parent:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  iconBadge: (e) => {
    const node = e.node;
    if (node.expanded || !node.children) {
    const count = node.children && node.getSelectedNodes().length;
    return {
      badge: count,
      badgeTooltip: `${count} selected`,
      badgeClass: "selection-count",
div.wunderbaum span.wb-badge.selection-count {
  color: white;
  background-color: green;

<!-- ### Related Tree Options

  • util.toggleCheckbox()

Code Hacks#

``` -->
