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Search and Filter Nodes#

Wunderbaum supports different ways to search and filter nodes:

  1. Search allows to find nodes by title patterns or arbitrary conditions.
  2. Filter is a more powerful feature that can hide or dim nodes that do not match a given search pattern or condition. It can also highlight matching title parts.



Quicksearch is triggered by typing a character and jumps to the next node that starts with that character.
It can be disabled by setting quicksearch: false in the tree options.

Using the API#

Many methods are available to search for nodes. For example, to find a node by its title, use tree.findFirst(), tree.findAll() and others:

// Match all node titles that match exactly 'Joe':
nodeList = node.findAll("Joe");
// Match all node titles that start with 'Joe' case sensitive:
nodeList = node.findAll(/^Joe/);
// Match all node titles that contain 'oe', case insensitive:
nodeList = node.findAll(/oe/i);
// Match all nodes with `data.price` >= 99:
nodeList = node.findAll((n) => {
  return >= 99;


See also the API tutorial for more details.


A filter can be used to hide or dim nodes that do not match a given search pattern.

First, define the filter options in the tree options:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  filter: {
    autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded
    mode: "hide",

Following options are available (see also FilterOptionsType):

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  filter: {
    autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded
    autoExpand: false, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered
    matchBranch: false, // Whether to implicitly match all children of matched nodes
    connectInput: null, // Element or selector of an input control for filter query strings
    fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar'
    hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter
    highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags
    leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only
    mode: "dim", // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead)
    noData: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty

Filter Nodes#

The filterNodes() method can be used to apply a filter to the tree. It accepts a string, a regular expression, or a function as a filter pattern:

// Strings are matched against the node titles (contains, case insensitive)
// Regular expressions are matched against the node titles
// E.g. fin titles that start with 'joe' or 'joh' (case insensitive)
// Functions are called with the node as an argument and can test for any
// condition
tree.filterNodes((node) => {
  return >= 99;

Additional options can be passed as a second argument to override the default tree.filter settings:

tree.filterNodes("Joe", { mode: "hide" });

See FilterNodesOptions):


// Match all nodes with a title that does contain 'Joe' (case insensitive) and
// dim the rest:
// Match all nodes with a title that does contain 'Joe' (case insensitive) and
// hide the rest:
tree.filterNodes("Joe", { mode: "hide" });
// Match all nodes with a custom property 'age' > 30:
tree.filterNodes((node) => {
  return <= 30;
// Match  all nodes with a a title that contains 'foo' or 'fox':
const re = /.*fo[ox].*/i;
tree.filterNodes((node) => {
  return re.test(node.title);


A filter callback may return a boolean value, or the string values 'skip' or 'branch'. The latter will skip or match the node and all its descendants.
Note that highlighting matches is not supported for function filters.

Display Count of Matches as Badges#

Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons. If no matchin children exist or the node is expanded, the badge is hidden.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  iconBadge: (e) => {
    const node = e.node;
    if (node.children?.length > 0 && !node.expanded && node.subMatchCount > 0) {
      return {
        badge: node.subMatchCount,
        badgeTooltip: `${node.subMatchCount} matches`,
        badgeClass: "match-count",

Connect to Search Input#

Define some html elements as filter controls:

<label for="filterQuery">Filter:</label>
  placeholder="Enter search pattern"
<button type="button" title="Hide unmatched nodes">
  <i class="bi bi-funnel"></i>

and connect them to the tree.filterNodes() method:

const queryInput = document.querySelector("input#filterQuery");

  Wunderbaum.util.debounce((e) => {
    tree.filterNodes(queryInput.value.trim(), {});
  }, 700)
// For example: dynamically toggle hide/dim mode
tree.setOption("filter.mode", hideMode ? "hide" : "dim");

An even simpler way is to use the options.filter.connectInput option, like in the demo, use the connectInput option.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  filter: {
    connectInput: "input#filterQuery",


See also a live demo and enter some text in the Filter control at the top.

Add a Filter Button to the Column Header#

Add a filter button to the column header to toggle the filter mode:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  columns: [
      title: "Title",
      filterable: true,
  buttonClick: (e) => {
    tree.log(e.type, e);

    if (e.command === "filter") {

      // ... <open a filter dialog or toggle the filter mode> ...

      // Update the button state = !;
  • tree.clearFilter()
  • tree.countMatches()
  • tree.filterNodes()
  • tree.findAll()
  • tree.findFirst()
  • tree.iconBadge()
  • tree.isFilterActive()
  • tree.updateFilter()
&.wb-ext-filter-hide {
  div.wb-node-list div.wb-row {
    color: $filter-dim-color;

    &.wb-submatch {
      color: $filter-submatch-color;

    &.wb-match {
      color: $node-text-color;