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Edit Nodes and Columns#

Editing is supported in two different ways:

  1. There is direct support for renaming nodes, i.e. editing the node title. Use the edit.trigger option and implement the edit.apply() callback to enable this.

  2. In a treegrid, there is also general support for embedded input elements in column cells, like checkboxes, text fields, etc.
    Note that Wunderbaum does not implement fancy input controls though. Rather think of it as a framework that makes it easy to use standard or custom HTML controls:
    Create HTML controls in the tree.render() callback and implement the tree.change() event to enable this.

1. Rename Nodes#

Here is an example implementation of the edit title feature (i.e. rename):

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  // --- Common Options ---
  // --- Common Events ---
  // --- Special Options and Events ---
  edit: {
    // --- Options ---
    trigger: ["clickActive", "F2", "macEnter", ...],
    select: true,  // Select all text on start
    slowClickDelay: 1000,
    trim: true,  // Trim input before applying
    validity: true,  // Check validation rules while typing
    // --- Events ---
     * Called when an editing request was detected, e.g. `F2` key, etc.
     * Return `false` to prevent editing. Optionally an HTML string may be
     * returned that defines the temporary input element.
     * Any other return value - including undefined - defaults to
     * `'<input type="text" class="wb-input-edit" value="TITLE" required autocorrect="off">'`
    beforeEdit: (e) => {
     * Called after the temporary input control was created, initialized
     * with the current node title, focused, and selected.
    edit: (e) => {
      const inputElem = e.inputElem;
     * Called when the edit operation is ending, either because the user
     * canceled, confirmed, or moved focus.
     * Return `false` to keep the input control open (not always possible).
     * We can also return a `Promise` (e.g. from an Ajax request).
     * In this case, the cell is marked 'busy' while the request is pending.
     * Implementing this event is optional. By default, `node.setTitle()` is
     * called with the new text.
    apply: (e) => {
      const node = e.node;
      const oldValue = e.oldValue;
      const newValue = e.newValue;
      const inputElem = e.inputElem;
      // For example:
      // call an async storage function and  handle validation.
      return storeMyStuff(node.refKey, newValue).then(() => {
        if( ...) {
          inputElem.setCustomValidity(`Invalid for *reasons*: ${newValue`})
          return false;

Input validation can be implemented by using the inputElem.setCustomValidity() method as in the example above, or by raising a util.ValidationError:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  edit: {
    apply: (e) => {
      const util = e.util;
      const node = e.node;
      const newValue = e.newValue;

      return storeMyStuff(node.refKey, newValue).then(() => {
        if( ...) {
          throw new util.ValidationError(`Invalid for *reasons*: ${newValue`});


See also a live demo, activate a node, and hit F2.


See also EditOptionsType.

  • node.setActive(true, {colIdx: 0, edit: true})
  • node.startEditTitle()
  • tree.isEditingTitle()
  • tree.startEditTitle(node)
  • tree.stopEditTitle(apply: boolean)
  • util.setValueToElem()

Style Hacks#

input.wb-input-edit {}
span.wb-col.wb-busy {}
span.wb-col.wb-error {}
span.wb-col.wb-invalid {}
span.wb-col input:invalid {}

Code Hacks#


2. Edit Cell Content#


See the Grid Tutorial for general information about rendering grid cell content.


See also a live demo, expand some nodes and enter values into the input controls.

Editing cells — other than the node title column — is not supported by default. Instead we have to

  1. Implement the render(e) callback to render the cell's content as an HTML element that can be edited, like a text field, checkbox, etc.
  2. Implement the change(e) callback to update the node data when the user has finished editing a cell.

2.1. Render Input Elements#

Following an example implementation of the render(e) callback that renders embedded input controls for all data columns.

The util.setValueToElem() helper function can be used to update the embedded input element with the current node value.

The e.isNew property is true if the node is new and has not been rendered before. This is useful to avoid overwriting user input when the user is editing a cell.

We follow the convention to name the column id after the node data property that should be rendered in that column for simplicity.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  columns: [
    { title: "Title", id: "*", width: "250px" },
    { title: "Age", id: "age", width: "50px", classes: "wb-helper-end" },
    { title: "Date", id: "date", width: "100px", classes: "wb-helper-end" },
    { title: "Status", id: "state", width: "70px", classes: "wb-helper-center" },
    { title: "Avail.", id: "avail", width: "70px", classes: "wb-helper-center" },
    { title: "Remarks", id: "remarks", width: "*" },

  render: function (e) {
    const node = e.node;
    const util = e.util;

    // Render embedded input controls for all data columns
    for (const col of Object.values(e.renderColInfosById)) {

      const val =[];

      switch ( {
        case "author":
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = '<input type="text" tabindex="-1">';
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
        case "remarks":
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = '<input type="text" tabindex="-1">';
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
        case "age": // numeric input (positive integers only)
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = '<input type="number" min="0" tabindex="-1">';
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
        case "state": // select box
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = `<select tabindex="-1">
                <option value="h">Happy</option>
                <option value="s">Sad</option>
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
        case "avail": // checkbox
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" tabindex="-1">';
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
        case "date": // date picker
          if (e.isNew) {
            col.elem.innerHTML = '<input type="date" tabindex="-1">';
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);
          // Render all other node data cells as text (read-only)
          // Assumption: we named ===
          col.elem.textContent =[];

Simplify the Pattern#

The pattern above can be simplified by defining the html property in the column definition, so the column cells are rendered by default and we can skip the if (e.isNew) {...} handling.
Note that we still have to update the embedded input elements with the current node value.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  columns: [
    { title: "Title", id: "*", width: "250px" },
    { title: "Age", id: "age", width: "50px", classes: "wb-helper-end",
      "html": "<input type=number min=0 tabindex='-1'>",
    { title: "Date", id: "date", width: "100px", classes: "wb-helper-end",
      "html": '<input type=date tabindex="-1">',
    { title: "Status", id: "state", width: "70px", classes: "wb-helper-center",
      "html": `<select tabindex="-1">
          <option value="h">Happy</option>
          <option value="s">Sad</option>
    { title: "Avail.", id: "avail", width: "70px", classes: "wb-helper-center",
      "html": '<input type=checkbox tabindex="-1">',
    { title: "Remarks", id: "remarks", width: "*",
      "html": "<input type=text tabindex='-1'>",

  render: function (e) {
    const node = e.node;
    const util = e.util;

    // Render embedded input controls for all data columns
    for (const col of Object.values(e.renderColInfosById)) {

      const val =[];

      switch ( {
          util.setValueToElem(col.elem, val);

2.2. Validate and Apply Modified Cell Data#

The change(e) callback is called when the user has finished editing a cell. More precisely, it is called when the embedded input, select, or textarea element fired a change event.
It receives a WbChangeEventType object that contains useful properties for this purpose.

The util.getValueFromElem() helper function can be used to read the current value from the embedded input element. This value is also avalable as e.inputValue, however without coercing date inputs to Date instances.

Again, we follow the convention to name the column id after the node data property that appears in that column.

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  change: function (e) {
    const util = e.util;
    const node = e.node;
    const colId =;

    this.logDebug(`change(${colId})`, util.getValueFromElem(e.inputElem, true));

    // Assumption: we named ===[colId] = util.getValueFromElem(e.inputElem, true);

If we want to customize the change(e) callback, we can do so like this:

const tree = new Wunderbaum({
  change: function (e) {
    const util = e.util;
    const node = e.node;
    const colId =;
    let val;

    switch (colId) {
      case "year":
        val = util.getValueFromElem(e.inputElem, true);

        if(val && new Date(val) > new Date()) {
          throw new util.ValidationError("Invalid year (must not be in the past)");
        if (val && !/^\d{4}$/.test(val)) {
          throw new util.ValidationError("Invalid year (yyyy)");
        }[colId] = val;
      default:[colId] = util.getValueFromElem(e.inputElem, true);
  • node.setActive(true, {colIdx: 2, edit: true})
  • util.getValueFromElem()
  • util.setValueToElem()
  • util.toggleCheckbox()
span.wb-col.wb-busy {
span.wb-col.wb-error {
span.wb-col input:invalid {